About the Journal

Ethiopian Journal of Economics (EJE) is a peer-reviewed journal hosted by the Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA). The Journal follows an open-access policy where manuscripts are freely downloadable in addition to its print version available at a subsidized price. EJE accepts manuscripts from all areas of economics as a full research article, review papers, and technical notes. The issues are published twice a year. EJE accepts original and high-quality research papers from Ethiopia and elsewhere outside Ethiopia and the papers pass through a double-blind peer review process. The journal has been officially accredited by the Ministry of Education (MoE) and Addis Ababa University as one of the reputable journals in Ethiopia.

Submissions to the Ethiopian Journal of Economics are accepted at any time, year-round, with no article processing fees or submission charges. The publisher, Ethiopian Economics Association, covers article processing and publication expenses.

EJE is indexed by AJOL

Editors, Authors, and Reviewers are encouraged to visit the publication ethics and publication malpractice statement in addition to other guidelines

Current Issue

Vol. 32 No. 2 (2023)
Published: 27-08-2024


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