Author Guidelines
Articles submitted to the Ethiopian Journal of Economics should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time.
Please read these instructions carefully and follow them closely to ensure that the review and publication of your article is as quick as possible. The Editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that are not in accordance with these instructions. On receipt of the paper, a confirmation email will be sent.
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Manuscript format and structure
Articles should be typewritten (Microsoft Word in Times New Roman), and have a 12 point font, 2.54 cm (1 inch) margins on all sides, and double spacing throughout. Articles should not exceed 8,000 words (including notes and references).
Article Sections should be numbered throughout. Sub-sections should only be used where necessary, in these cases the numbering proceeds as 1.1 , so forth.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts conform to the journal style.
Please note that the title and name(s) of author(s) should only be indicated in a place where the online submission sytem requires. These should not appear in the main document of the article to be uploaded separately.
The title page of the manuscript should contain an indented and italicised abstract which must not exceed 250 words. The abstract should describe the main arguments, brief methodology, results, and conclusions of the article. Reference citations must be avoided in this part of the article.
JEL codes
Authors should include at least 1 JEL code with manuscript during submission. JEL codes should be included at the end of the abstract. They also should be provided as a combination of one letter and two numbers (e.g., Q04). If you have any question regarding JEL codes, please visit the following Web site:
Please follow UK (not US) English usage and spelling throughout.
Please avoid hyphens, but use a hyphen when the word following the prefix begins with the same vowel as the one with which the prefix ends, or when the appearance of the compound would be confusing without the hyphen (, co-author, co-operation, co-ordination, pre-empt and neo-institutional).
Use a single space after a full point, and after commas, colons, semicolons, etc. Please do not put a space in front of a question mark, or in front of any other closing quotation mark.
Initial capitalisation
Please keep capitalisation to a minimum. For instance, only capitalise civil, military, religious and professional titles when preceding the name of a person holding the title.Capitalise terms such as West and Western, and East and Eastern when used in a cultural sense, but not when used in a geographic sense.
Full stops should be used after abbreviations (p., Ch.) but not after contractions or in acronyms: BBC, Dr, St, Mr, UNDP, USAID, OECD, UNESCO, USA. Also, in the initial reference to a relatively unfamiliar institution, the name should be spelled out in full, followed by the abbreviation in brackets used in subsequent references. Please do not use Latinised terms: use "for example," not "e.g."; "and so forth," rather than "etc."; "that is" rather than "i.e."; "through" or "by way of" rather than "via."
Use italic for titles of books, newspapers, and journals (but not for articles in journals).Do not italicise Latin terms that are generally accepted as English, such as a priori, a posteriori, de facto, de jure and status quo.
Use a single space after a full point, and after commas, colons, semicolons, so forth. Reserve the use of double quotation marks for quotes within quotes. Do not put a space in front of a question mark, or in front of any other closing punctuation mark.
Diagrams and Tables
All diagrams, charts and graphs should be referred to as figures and consecutively numbered. Tables should be kept short, and numbered sequentially throughout the text. Statistical tables should be clearly headed and titles and column headings should be brief and descriptive. The title of the table should be centered in initial capitals and lowercase letters. Units in which results are expressed should be given in parentheses at the top of each column and not repeated in each line of the table. The text should include references to all tables.
Explanatory notes should be kept to a minimum. Please use footnotes (not
endnotes).Footnotes should be numbered consecutively.
Spell out one to nine. From 10 up, use numerals. Use 8 percent rather than eight per cent, or 8% except in parenthesis (for example, 8%). Authors should not use figures to excessive decimal places. Two significant figures will usually suffice, so that at most two decimal places should be reported. There should only be occasional exceptions to this rule, e.g. a regression coefficient of less than 0.005.
Write out a series of years in full, for example, 1980-1993 (not 1980-93); refer to a decade without an apostrophe, for example, the 1990s (not the 1990's); for specific dates, cite day month and year in that order, for example, 25 May 2004. References to centuries should be compactly written: for example, 20th century (not twentieth century).
Equations should be consequently numbered if reference is made to them in the main text. Primes indicate transposed matrices or column vectors.
Full details of all publications cited in the text should be given in a list of references following the main text. Publications that are not cited in the text should not be included in the references. References should be cited in the text according to the Harvard reference system, that is, use the last name of the author(s), the date of publication and, following quoted material, the page references. Please note the following:
1. Ibid. (and the like) are not used when repeating citations. Simply repeat the original citation verbatim.
2. Multiple citations within parentheses should be divided by a semi-colon, and there
should be no use of '&' within such multiple references. References to works published
in the same year should be cited as, e.g. (Abebe, 1991a, b).
3. If two or more references are cited together in the text, they should be arranged
chronologically, that is, multiple citations within text should be ordered by date, not
alphabetically by author's name, e.g. (Getachew, 1920; Jones and Bower, 1934;
Brown, 1955, 1958; Green, 1995).
4. et al. may be used in citations within the text when a paper or book has three or
more authors, but note that all names should be given in the reference itself.
5. Page spans in references should be given in full, e.g. Sedgewick (1935: 102-103).
6. Personal communications should be cited as e.g. ‘(G. McNeal, personal
communication, 2006)’ but not included in the list of references.
Note that the reference list should include every work cited in the text. Please ensure that dates, spelling and title used in the text are consistent with those listed in the References.
The content and form of the reference list should conform to the examples below. Please note that page numbers are required for articles, both place of publication and publisher are
required for books cited. Do not use et al. in the reference list: spell out each author's full name or surname and initials.
Book/multiple author
Archer, K., Gibbins, R., Knopff, R. and Pal, L. (1995),Parameters of Power: Canada's Political Institutions, Scarborough: Nelson.
Mäler, K. (1974), Environmental Economics: A Theoretical Inquiry, Baltimore: John Hopkins Press for the Resource for the Future, Inc.
Article in edited volume
Bennett, C. and Bayley, R. (1981),“The new public administration of information: Canadian approaches to access and privacy”, in: M. Westmacott and H. Mellon (eds), Public Administration and Policy: Governing in Challenging Times, Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, pp. 116–127.
Smith, V. and J. Krutilla (1982), “Toward formulating the role of national resources in economics models”, in V.Smith and J. Krutilla (eds.),Exploration in Natural Resource Economics, Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, pp. 1-43.
Article in journal
Salazar, D. and Alper, D. (2002), “Reconciling environmentalism and the left: perspectives on democracy and social justice in British Columbia's environmental movement”, Canadian Journal of Political Science, 35(4): 527–566.
Helleiner, E. (2006), “Reinterpreting Bretton Woods: International Development and the Neglected Origins of Embedded Liberalism”, Development and Change 37(5): 943-67.
Report, proceedings, dissertations, unpublished literature
Panayiotis, C. (1999),“Convergence across Canadian provinces”, Discussion paper series, No. 99-03, Department of Economics, University of Calgary.
Gren, I. (1992), “Benefits from restoring wetlands for nitrogen abatement: a case study of Gotland”, Beijer Discussion Paper Series No. 14, The Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics, Stockholm.
Nesbitt-Larking, P. (1994),“The 1992 referendum and the 1993 federal election in Canada: patterns of protest”, in: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Calgary, Canada, pp. 351–365.
Kane, P. (1983), “The Single Child Family in China: Urban Policies and their Effects on the One-Child Family”, paper presented at the International Workshop, Contemporary China Centre, Oxford (17-18 March).
Srinivasan, S. (2006), “Development, Discrimination and Survival: Daughter Elimination in Tamil Nadu, India”, PhD dissertation, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague.
Article in newspaper
Smith, A. (1999), Spending limits irk Cabinet, The Globe and Mail, 3 December, p. A1.
An Internet source
Please indicate the date that the source was accessed, as online resources are frequently updated or removed. Give the universal resource locator in full:
Sopensky, E. (2002), “'Ice Rink Becomes Hot Business”, Austin Business Journal, (accessed 16 October 2004)
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
- All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
- All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
- Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.